Yellow Funeral Wreath  in Houston, TX

Yellow Funeral Wreath


This arrangement requires a minimum of 48 hours notice

All Yellow Funeral Wreath is an uplifting sympathy tribute created to commemorate friendship, love & appreciation and, bid final farewell to especially loved person.

We select the best seasonal flowers in yellow color to create this sympathy tribute. It comes delivered on an easel, and is available for local delivery only

Flowers: Florist selected all yellow flowers (can seasonally vary from the picture)

Approximate overall size: 20” diameter (small); 24" diameter (large) - Easel height 54”-58”

Size and upgrade: Images and listed sizes are approximate representations of the product and may not always be to scale. Any product where an upgrade is purchased will be increased by the dollar value of the upgrade. Each upgrade is unique to the arrangement, and generally stands for more flowers and/or a fuller overall look.

Substitution Policy
