Garden Bouquet in Houston, TX

Garden Bouquet


Bright and colorful selection of flowers hand arranged in traditional garden style. Available for pick up or delivery. Arrives already designed in a clear glass vase.

Flowers: Roses, Lilies, Hydrangea, Sunflowers, Bells of Ireland, Chrysanthemums

Approximate overall size: 24" H x 12" W

Size and upgrade: Images and listed sizes are approximate representations of the product and may not always be to scale. Any product where an upgrade is purchased will be increased by the dollar value of the upgrade.

Substitution Policy

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Garden Bouquet in a Vase by Scent & Violet florist in Houston, TX

Garden Bouquet is your perfect solution for brightening up any room or special occasion! Our gorgeous handmade arrangements are made with an elegant and traditional garden aesthetic in mind, using a selection of vibrant and colorful flowers, such as roses, lilies, hydrangeas, sunflowers, bells of Ireland, and chrysanthemums. Plus, it arrives already designed in an eye-catching clear glass vase, so you don't have to worry about the hassle of arranging the flowers yourself. With a total size of 24" H x 12" W, this garden of flowers is the perfect size to fit anywhere you need! As an added bonus, Garden Bouquet is available for both pick up and flower delivery, making it easier than ever to enjoy a little bit of beauty in your life!