Six Roses Bouquet  in Houston, TX

Six Roses Bouquet


Six roses bouquet is sweet and sentimental gift that wont break a bank. Great way to show someone you care about them, and perhaps make them smile. Six roses bouquet is hand arranged in a clear glass vase and is available for same day or next day delivery in our local delivery area only: Houston, Katy, Richmond, Fulshear, Sugar Land, Stafford, Missouri City, Pearland, and Bellaire, and is hand delivered by Scent & Violet, flowers and gifts. 

Flowers: Roses. Please select your color preference during checkout.

Approximate overall size: 18" H x 9" W

Size and upgrade: Images and listed sizes are approximate representations of the product and may not always be to scale. Any product where an upgrade is purchased will be increased by the dollar value of the upgrade. Each upgrade is unique to the arrangement, and generally stands for more flowers and/or a fuller overall look.

Substitution Policy

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Six Red roses at Scent & Violet florist in Houston, TX